What is important for a great painter is not just  to offer a piece of great painting, but also to open a door of perception to others, through which people can reach countless new worlds.

In history, someone is supposed to run faster, go deeper and farther than others. Otherwise, history canĀ“t move forward  to create wonders.

Mar Garcia Torregrosa is just trying, to  contribute to the world  of culture, her paintings are unique and noble.

Luxury Art Gallery shows the series entitled "play is important" by the Spanish artist Mar Garcia Torregrosa, talks about the relationships between people, through the 5 senses, plus 1
Touch , "maybe tomorrow"
Taste ,"I really want you to stay when I know you have to go"
Flow , "Chemistry between us"
Hearing , "let the conversation flow"
Sight , "you took my skin off"
Smell , "the remember you've left already" 

Enjoy with these artworks

We are pleased to inform you that soon we will offer you the series "the four elements" earth, water, air and fire.